I am the Soul
then the salt has to be removed from the mouth. Brothers! In practice we know this well, we do not have to be taught. Assume some inedible thing is filled in a glass jar, what would you do if you wanted to fill it with some edible stuff? First of all you would empty the jar and then clean it up in such a way that not even the smell of the earlier stuff remains. Only then would you fill it with the other stuff. Let me take a simple example. It is winter. You are having breakfast. First you take a sweet tonic, and then it is tea-time. But you would not take tea immediately. You would prefer to have some spicy snack before tea. Why so? If you were to straightaway drink tea, you would not have found it tasty. It would have tasted flat. So if you want to enjoy the taste of the tea, you first change the taste in your mouth.
Brothers! These things do not need to be taught. But when you come for Satsang, only if you come in without the tastes of the worldly affairs, vehemence, wrong beliefs in your mind, will you find the Sage's advice interesting and acceptible. The ego lying within the jiva itself does not allow the advice of the Sadguru to be absorbed. Hence, you must abandon ego and seek refuge with the Sadguru.
Brothers! The opportunity with the Sadguru can be termed successful only when the interest in worldly affairs diminishes and the yearning for the goal of the soul increases in his company. When you listen to the advice, do not do so simply for the sake of it, but with a deep thirst to receive something, to achieve something out of it. Oh! You may be running a business, conducting a trade to manage the householder's duty, but the feeling within should be, “O Lord! When do I get the first chance to quit all this?” The Satsang can be fruitful only when the worldly life feels like a trap.
But shall I speak the truth, Brothers! Do you really feel like giving up business? Do you feel like restricting it or expanding it? What would you like? Would you back out if you had a
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