I am the Soul many magazines, you may have all the devices to know the universe, there may be the radio, the TV might be getting you a lot of information, but still you would not know about all the principles; for however sharp our intellect may be, it is but using only about ten percent of our mental ability. The remaining ninety percent is packed - dormant. So how can we measure the universe with such a feeble power?
In the same way, the principles of the realm of the spirit are larger than the Universe. So then how can the path of devoted practice be measured with intellect? Hence, place faith in the words of the sages and make an incessant effort to understand them, to investigate them. But do not disbelieve them simply because you do not understand the principles. The jiva has to keep his mind open always. Our generosity and magnanimity should be growing. If the doors of faith are shut and the padlock of vehemence put on it, then principles can never be understood, self-conceit can never be overcome and false-insistence can never be removed.
Three reasons why the self-conceit of the jiva is not overcome, have been mentioned here. Firstly, whenever somebody tries to explain him something, he says, “I know a lot, understand a lot. What can you tell me? I know everything, I can do everything'. There is no bigger ignorant than the one who believes so.
Secondly, the extent of attachment towards material things like money etc., is much more than towards a Satpurush. Search within! Where and to what extent is the attachment? What fraction of the attachment that you have for wife-children-family, do you show towards the Guru, the Sages? Brothers! Unless a true love emerges from within towards the sages, the world cannot be avoided.
Let us recollect Bharat Chakravartin here. Many of the happenings in his life indicate the state of his mindframe. Several situations in his life tell us how aloof he was in spite of all the glory and power of his empire. His love for the worldly life was
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