I am the Soul
which your Sadguru has stated. Always repeat them. With us there is a tradition of self-study of the scriptures. Not only in the Jain tradition, but in the other Indian traditions too, there is a custom of getting the child to learn the scriptures by heart from a very young age. At the beginning he may not understand, but as the age advances the understanding also develops. So the scripture is learnt and he does his self-study. Later when he begins to understand the principle, there is contemplation. This contemplation impresses upon the Soul. Along with the other impressions that are made upon the jiva, it is necessary that these impressions are made too.
For this, one who first studies and then develops a craving for it, reads a thousand, two thousand or five thousand gathas every day and contemplates upon them and thus develops a craving. Just as a craving has developed for the body after having been attached to it from infinite time, in the same way if you attach yourself to the religious scriptures you will develop a craving for them too. The body which remains on your mind even when you sleep is after all discardable but the craving for the principle is worthy of respect.
If after discarding the foolhardy beliefs of our own, we constantly delve deep into the scriptures told by the Sadguru, then the goal of the soul will remain awakened. The next duty of the jiva will be explained soon...
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