I am the Soul za 367 F G 3fagreta A - Tirthankar - the supreme soul, lord of the three worlds, venerable for Gods, Humans and Demons alike, is endowed with the Yogas. That is he has the mind-speech-body Yoga. Our yogic activity is rarely humane, it is mostly reflecting the carnal and devilish tendencies that we bring forth from our previous births. Arihant too, while having the same yoga, displays only divinity. His yogic activity is always satvik (safrai) - serene; there never is an opulent - rajas (TTTH) or depraved - tamas (True) feeling in it.
If we look closer, we will notice that the kevali - supreme soul, does not have a voluntary yogic activity at all. His speech occurs on its own. He doesn't have to plan to say this or not to say that. But subject to certainty whatever needs to be said is spoken. Similarly the bodily activity is also not voluntary. Whatever is predetermined for the body to do is done. Going beyond all this, we will notice that Arihant does not have the activity of the mind at all.
The duty of the mind is to think. Thoughts are always related to the past or the future. They are reminiscences of the past and visualisations of the future. The present is but a fleeting second. It is not considered. Arihant knows all about the past and the future, so there is nothing to be thought. His mind is utilised only when the Gods of the Sarvartha Siddha Vimana Heaven question him with their minds and Arihant replies with his mind.
Thus, the activity of Arihant in all the three yogas being involuntary is divine. As a result his yogas do not bind him in any Karma. Yogas do result in a karma, but only twice, the third time it wipes out the karma.
अतिशयों से युक्त हैं - The Arihant is endowed with wonderful powers. What is not available ordinarily, such extraordinary specialities are called wonderful. Many of the extraordinary qualities are inborn, some are creations of devas - Gods, and many others are developed with the onset of omniscience.
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