I am the Soul
पत्तिआमि रोएमि फासेमि पालेमि
अणुपालेमि Hearing the advice of the Gurudev, first of all place faith in it. * HESITA' - 'I do believe'. Whenever you settle down to hear a discourse, bear in mind a feeling that whatever is being told here is for the good and good alone. 'I have to accept as much as I can, and practice it'. If you come in with faith then your faith will grow upon the discourse you heard. But if you come in with a feeling, Mahasatiji keeps saying so many things, all those don't have to be followed', how will the feeling of faith arise at all? Hence, first of all place faith upon the discourse you are hearing.
This is followed by — पत्तिआमि' and ' रोएमि' that is प्रतीति and रुचि. There is a small difference in the two. A sort of love-filled attraction develops for the religion, for the principle upon which the faith settles. A person begins to like it very much and his inquisitiveness grows about that principle. So faith alone does not work, hence the Sadhaka says, ' fenfu ? "I do appreciate'. But attraction can sometimes be lost. If circumstances are unfavourable the attraction may decline. But ' stufH ' means 'I do always hold an interest in the principle’. Once the interest develops, there may be times when it may be difficult to practice, but the interest does not dwindle, and this interest is instrumental in developing the strength to practice in him.
Once the interest for principles awakens in the Jiva, the Jiva makes a tremendous effort to achieve them. There is some sort of interest lying within all of us. But it is interest in worldly affairs, worldly things. We are also making effort to achieve that in which we are interested. Only if we develop a greater interest in absorbing the teachings of the Tirthankars, than we have in worldly indulgence, can we understand the principles. The mind pines night and day, “When will I get a chance and
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