I am the Soul
you ever experienced the touch of any third feeling beyond these two, in your activity? Have you ever done something in total equanimity, devoid of attachment and aversion? Perhaps the body and the speech may rest awhile but what of the mind? Does it ever rest? Lying within us it is busy building up the feelings of attachment and aversion. That means there is not even a moment that passes for this jiva, where he has not experienced either attachment or aversion.
This activity, this change in the disposition that is occurring every passing moment pollutes the virtues of the Soul, suppresses them under a covering. The virtues become more and more obscure. But has this ever occurred to the jiva?
If you consider the complete perspective, do all the jivas of the world prefer to indulge in attachment and aversion or renouncing them? Is there any joy in peaceful thought? Look! When the reasons for attachment or aversion are sometimes lesser or not adequate then the jiva is perturbed and struggles to acquire them. Brothers! This is the madness of the jiva. This indeed, is the disqualification for the path of devoted practice! What a limitless struggle to acquire those reasons which are thoroughly detestable and what a thorough neglect of the reasons that are so very respectable! Tell me! How do you get peace out of this? Living amidst such disturbing feelings is what other than virtual death? Suppressing the natural feelings of the soul to the greatest extent and living like the inanimate, does it not seem as if we are moving carcasses?
Then in Srimadji's parlance we are all dead beings. Physical death kills but only once, while in virtual death we are dying every moment. Hence, only when we cease to be embroiled in the state of virtual death, can we attain self realisation through the devices of renunciation and detachment.
Now the next gatha elucidates the greatness of renunciation and detachment.
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