37. पशुपालक का दृर्व्यवहार
सन्यास-ग्रहण (स्वीकार) के पश्चात महावीर ने ध्यान करने हेतु प्रथम चरण के रूप में करमार गाँव के बाहर के जंगल को चुना । वहाँ खड़े होकर नासिकाग्र पर दृष्टि केन्द्रित कर, एकाग्र चिन्त से ध्यान में मग्न हो गये। एक पशु पालक इनके आने से पहले छूट गये, अपने पशुओं की खोज में वहाँ आया । वहाँ चारों ओर बहुत खोजने पर भी पशुओं का पता जब न लगा तो वहीं ध्यान मग्न होकर खड़े हुए महावीर से उसने अपने पशुओं का पता पूछा । कोई उत्तर न मिलने पर उसे सन्देह हुआ कि महावीर ने ही उसके पशों को चुराया। वह महावीर को अपनी चाबुक से मारने ही वाला था कि इतने में दूर से महावीर के लिये आते हुए नन्दिवर्द्धन ने उसे मना किया और महावीर का वृत्तान्त उसे बताया । वह पशु पालक बहुत पश्चात्ताप से खिन्न होकर घर की तरफ लौटा । नन्दिवर्द्धन ने स्वामी का ध्यान-भंग किया बीतीबात बतायी और आपत्ति से उन्हें बचाए रखने का प्रबन्ध का प्रस्ताव किया। इसके लिये महावीर सहमत नहीं हुए। उन्होंने समझाया कि किसी पर अग्नित रहने मात्र से भय तो छूटेगा नहीं, स्वावलम्बित, ओर अकेले से ही लडना ही जीवात्मा का आविष्कार होता हैं।
After selecting a life of renunciation, Bhagawan Mahavira selected, as his first stage in meditation, a spot in a jungle outside the village of Karmar. There he stood like a rock and, concentrating all his thoughts on the tip of his nose, was immersed in Dhyana (meditation). While he was thus deeply immersed in meditation, there arrived on the spot a cowherd in search of some of his animals that strayed away from the herd. He made a thorough search of that spot for the lost cows and thinking that the person (Bhagawan Mahavira) might be knowing about the whereabouts of the animals, began to prod him with questions. Finding that he was not getting any response the cowherd was convinced that that person (Bhagawan Mahavira) must have stolen bis animals. Having suspected the ascetic like that he was about to beat the Bhagawan with his whip when, from a little distance, Nandivardhana who was coming for Bhagawan Mahavira saw this disconcerting sight and stopped the cowherd from proceeding with his audacious act; then he related to the cowherd the facts concerning Bhagawan Mahavira and his present pursuit. The cowherd was then struck with remorse and wended his repentant way home. Nandivardhana made a bow to wake up Bhagawan Mahavira from his Dhyana and narrated to him what had happened. Then he tried to persuade the Bhagawan to give his consent for the posting of body guards around him. Bhagawan Mahavira firmly turned down this offer and explained to his brother that dependence brings fear in its wake; the true nature of the soul can be revealed only through solitary endeavour and struggle.
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