34. सन्यास - ग्रहण - श्री वर्द्धमान की जय-जय
चाचा सुपार्श्व और बडे भाई नन्दिवर्द्धन ने बहुत ही अनुनय किया, फिर भी राज्य - भार संभालने से श्रीवर्द्धमान ने इनकार किया । भोग- लालसा और सांसारिक जीवन की ओर विमुखत्व (वैमनस्य) प्रदर्शित किया। समय आसन्न हुआ कि श्रीवर्द्धमान तीर्थङ्कर के रूप में अवतार लें । इन्द्र लोक में दुन्दुभियाँ बज उठीं । देवताओं ने फूल बरसाये 1 श्री वर्द्धमान अपने राज दरबार से राज लांछनों के साथ चल पडे । उन्होंने रह चलती हुई प्रजा को सम्पत्तियों का वितरण अपनी समस्त प्रेम पूर्वक कर दिया। उस समय प्रजा-समूह ने उनकी दानशीलता का अभिवादन किया ।
Shri Vardhamana refused to accept the responsibililties of ruling the country in spite of the earnest entreaties of his uncle Suparshva and brother Nandivardhana. He was completely reluctant to lead a life of material and sexual pleasures. Now was the time for Vardhamana to incarnate as the Tirthankara. The event was celebrated in Indraloka with the beating of divine drums and the Gods sent down a floral rain to the earth. Shri Vardhamana set out from his Royal Palace in all his splendour as ruler and distributed every item of wealth and pomp that he had to the people who lined up on both sides of the exit route. He thus exulted in charity and people paid obeisance to Shri Mahavira's spirit of renunciation and charity.
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