85. क्षात्रिय कुण्ड में श्री महावीर स्वामी
__श्री महावीर स्वामी सब जनपदों और नगरों को पुनीत करते हुए अपने जन्म-स्थान क्षात्रियकुण्ड में पहुँचे । वहाँ की प्रजा ने उन्हें हृदयपूर्वक स्वागत किया। स्वामी ‘समवशरण' में आसीन होकर प्रवचन कर रहे थे, तब बेटी प्रियदर्शना और दामाद जामालि ने स्वामी के दर्शन किये और उन्हें प्रणाम किया। स्वामी के लिये सब बराबर हैं । जैन-सूत्रों और अंगों के समग्र अध्यापन के द्वारा जामालि को स्वामी ने शिक्षा प्रदान की और वे कुतूहल पूर्वक चाहते थे कि जामालि जैन सूत्रों और अंगों पर भाष्य लिखे और उन्हें लोगों मे लेजाय । स्वामी ने जामालि की श्रद्धा और आसाक्ति समझली। उन्होंने पुत्री और जामाता को आशीर्वाद दी और उन्हें जैन-श्रावकों की दीक्षा दी। स्वामी का अनुसरण करने के लिये उन्होंने क्षात्रिय कुण्ड छोड़ा।
Thus making holy all the cities, towns and Janapadas (colonies of people), Shramana Bhagawan Mahavira Swamy travelled in the direction of his native place Kshatriyakund and arrived there in course of time. The local people gave him a grand and hearty welcome. As the Swamy was seated in Samavasarana and was preaching to the crowds, his daughter Priyadarshani and son-in-law Jamali visited the Swamy and bowed to him. In the eyes of Swamy all are equal. He taught Jaina Sutras (Principles) and Angas (Sub-Principles) to Jamali. The Swamy noticed that Jamali was eager to learn and that he was eager to write commentaries (or interpretations) on Jaina Sutras and was intent upon going into the midst of the people with a view to spreading these principles among them. The Swamy noticed that Jamali had devotion and deep desire to discharge this task. So, he blessed Jamali and accepted Jamali and his wife (the daughter of the Swamy himself) into the orders of Shravaka and Shravika respectively. In order to accompany the Swamy Jamali and Priyadarshana had to leave Kshatriyakund.
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