75. श्री अर्हनाथ स्वामी
गजपुर के राजा सुधर्म थे और उनकी रानी देवी थे। इस दम्पति के पुत्र के तौर पर आषाढ बहुल (कृष्णपक्ष) दशमी के दिन अर्हनाथ स्वामी का जन्म हुआ था। युवावस्था में राज्य का शासन करने के कुछ दिनों के बाद राज्यभोगों से विमुख होकर उन्होंने सन्यासकी दीक्षा आषाढ बहुळ एकादशी के दिन ग्रहण की। समस्त कर्मों को त्याग कर तीन साल के बाद कार्तिक बहुळ (कृष्णपक्ष) के द्वादशी के दिन वे केवल ज्ञान को हासिल कर चुके । फिर अर्हत बन कर अठारहवें तीर्थङ्कर बन गये। उनका निर्याण आषाढ कृष्म पक्ष के दशमी के दिन को हुआ था।
The 18th of the Tirthankaras is Shri Arhanatha Swamy. He was born to the royal couple King Sudarshana and Queen Devi of Gajapuri. He was born on a certain Ashadha Bahula Dasami (corresponding to the tenth day in the waning phase of the fourth month in the lunar calendar). After having spent the royal life for some years, he took the vow of Sanyasa on an Ashadha Bahula Ekadasi (corresponding to the eleventh day in the waning phase of the fourth month in the lunar calendar). He had undergone many trials and tribulations during his penances and ultimately on a certain Karthika Bahula Dwadasi (corresponding to the twelfth day in the waning phase of the eighth month in the lunar calendar), he attained Kevalajnana and thus became an Arhantha and thus became the 18th of the Tirthankaras in the order. He had attained Supreme Bliss on an Ashadha Bahula Dasami (corresponding to the tenth day in the waning phase of the fourth month in the lunar calendar).
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