When I joined P. V. Research Institute as its Director, I strongly felt the need of a bibliography containing uptodate information about all the researches done in these areas of studies. In this connection I met Dr. Gokul Chand Jain who kindly gave me a list containing some information about the Doctoral dissertations on Jainism till 1972. But it was neither compelete nor uptodate. Then I tried to get information from related Departments of various Indian universities. I made correspondance with the Registrars and the Heads of the Departments, and though I got a few pieces of information, my efforts were not very successful. Meanwhile I came into contact with Dr. Damodar Shastri, who had also compiled a list, and I am thankfull to him for his sending that list to me. This list contained information about Doctoral disserations on Jainism as well as on Buddhism written till 1975. To make it compelete and uptodate he suggested to me to consult the bibliographies of Doctoral disserations in Art, Social Sciences and Sciences published by the Association of Indian universities. I purchased these bibliographies and started the work of compilation with the help of my then research scholar and at present research assistant Dr. Arun Pratap Singh. This is the short story of the origin of this work.
While compiling this I came to know that various entries were missing in those bibliographies also, so I tried to collect information from other available sources and thus to supply the deficiences. I am aware of the fact that still some entries are missing. However, I shall be grateful to my readers, if they kindly furnish me with some additional information. I shall try to incorporate them as a supplement to this edition or in the next edition.
Though I tried to classify the topics into different sections, I do not claim their finality, because there are many borderline cases which can be placed in either of the sections.
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