Role of Space-Time in Jaina's Syadvāda
We have completed the Jainas ancient view of atoms, then we shall introduce the microscopic fields of the quantum world.
The problem of transition from quantum to classical behaviour of physical system lies at the heart of all concentrate problems and paradoxes associated with the interpretation of quantum theory.
In the latter 20th century, the indeterministic world was accepted by most scientist. The causality of nature was not taken seriously. According to the dominant paradigm man have reached to the capacity of understanding macroscopic to phenomena.
In this chapter we discuss the problem of measurement in quantum theory by the way of deviant logic mainly by discussing the operational meaning of logical connectives. Since we are dealing with the quantum world, our deviant logic will be quantum logic.
In this chapter we have attempted to present the logic of quantum mechanics by examining the measurement process in quantum mechanics to determine the meanings of the logical connectives and to find whether they retain the meanings in the light of strange new features of the quantum mechanical measurement processes. Most authors of quantum logic, particularly Finkelsten and Putnam have emphasized the fact that connectives in quantum logic retain classical meanings on account of operational definitions, though quantum logic differs from classical logic in only one respect. It is the failure of the distributive law: a A (B VY) = (a V B) Va Ay) of the classical logic. We find in our investigations that in view of the peculiar nature of quantum mechanical measurements, the ineanings of the logical connectives needed to conjoin simple experimental propositions to form compound statements need changes. It is seen that with the new meanings
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