those who ruin themselves after money, women, land, litigation etc. or are already lost in Jealousy, hatred, competition, anger, greed, pride and in seven vices. To feel sad for those who prepare false documents, eat what is non-eatable, indulge in sex and rackless living.
To feel the anguish within for the tragedy of human life is BHAVA KARUNA. It is a concern that traces the root-cause that produces miseries in life and attempts to remove it not only by showing to others how it can be done but also by living up to it in one's own life to provide a concrete example.
(4) Maddhyasth Bhavana (Indiffenrence) : To be indiffrent to the wicked who engage themselves in cruel acts, who slander God and Guru and boast themselves, is Maddhyasth.
There are wicked persons, the murderers, the goondas, the betrayers, the arrogant and the jealous. One may give them advice if deemed wise, but should not preach. One should not insist on improving them, because there is a possibility of being insulted by them, resulting in ill feelings for all concerned. They should be left to themselves. We should be indifferent to them. A word of advice to the fool does not pacify him but only increases his anger. Milk given to a snake is only turned into a poison.
MONKEY AND SUGARI : We know that a sugari's (tailor bird) nest is very artistic. It is finely woven with intricacy. One rainy day, a Sugari was sitting in its nest. It was raining heavily lightening, flashing in thundering clouds. At that time, a monkey troubled by cold and rains came trembling beneath the tree to take shelter. The Sugari pitied him and said, "Why did you not build a nest to live in the summer though your shape is similar to that of a man and you are as clever as they are ? The monkey got angry and asked the Sugari to keep quiet. However, he began to shiver more. The Sugari could not remain quiet and said, Oh ! Why did you waste your Summer in idleness?"
The monkey become angry and abused the sugari as the rain and thunder increased, the monkey continued to shiver more and more. Pitying him the Sugari again gave him a word of advice. The monkey became vey angry and said, Be silent, you loud mouth. Don't pretend to be a Pandit. If you go on chattering, I shall make
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