न कार्षीत् कोडपि पापानि मा च भूत् कोडपि दुःखितः ।
मुच्यतां जगदायेषा मतिमैत्री निगद्यते ॥ No one therefore, may cemmit sins, nobody may be afflicted with pain. May the entire world be free from suffering. Such a noble desire towards all is real friendliness.
न सा जाति न सा योनि न त तत्स्थानं न तत्कलम् ।
न जाता न मृता यत्र सर्वे जीवा अनंतशः ॥ In the endless wanderings in this world, There is no gender, no seat of birth and no place,
Nor a family where this soul of mine might not have once been born before and died.
During an endless cycle of births and deaths that I have gone through, I have got myself related to all living beings, who are so strange to me now. Maitribhav to all without exception is what I owe to them.
The evil god (Sangam) caused extreme tortures to Lord Mahavir for six months but could not succeed in bending him to his will. He got tired at last. When he returned frustrated admitting defeat, so deep was the compassion for him, that thinking how miserable future life of Sangam shall be for committing such dreadful sins, tears filled Lotus like eyes of the Lord. One who was so firm and unmoved as a mountain to his own sufferings, was moved to tears when he thought what shall be in store for Sangam to subter !
The snake Chandkaushik released flames of fire on Lord Mahavir but he could not frighten Him. Lord Mahavir asked gently au51, 7551 GUSHTC 'Oh ! Chandkaushik, be pacified and know what you have done to yourself. What a wonderful maitri bhavana it is, that can hold only goodwill, no matter whatever happened.
Lord Mahavir did not hate even those who plugged His ears with nails and cooked food on his feet.
Lord Mahavir did not blame evil doers, knowing that his past evil karmas were responsible for all the harassment. He suffered at their hands. They were only agents, I am a debtor'. He thought, 'and this is the time to pay off that debt'. He patiently accepted unimaginable toutures for 12.5 years as the outcome of sins of previous births.
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