(4) CAT TOTEHUTT ? Who is my God? Godhood dwells in
liberated souls, in Arihant and Siddha. To them, I bow down in reverence as my Saviours.
Who are my Guru ? They are saints who are free from 18 blemishes, (papthanaks) and possess 12 vitues. They practise Five Mahavratas and forever foresake wealth and women-the causes for downfall. My Guru is my ideal. I aspire to follow in his foot-steps and lead a life of renunciation. To be like him is to realise true nature of my ownself. Bound as I am by my limitations, when shall that moment be, when I shall realise my
dream to live a pure and simple life that my Guru does ? (5) OT 4 EFT? What is my religion ? Faith, knowledge and right
conduct are my basic qualities. I should practise non-violence, self-control and penance. This is my anusthan Dharma-religious activities. My Vichar Dharma consists of friendship, cheerfulness, compassion and non-partiality or indifference. Do | cultivate these four sentiments in my life to observe Vichar Dharma? I should perform both Dharmas to recapture the basic
qualities of my nature. How do I do it ? (6) o al 371 ? What vows, pledges and rules have |
accepted in my life? (7) i 37CCUT À ? What is my present conditon ? What was my
condition in the past and what type of life shall I lead in
future? (8) Fat À 3 Fence ? Have I discharged my duties and
obligation ? (9) # Fans cet a Foto 2194 ? What duties have 1 yet to perform ? (10) किं सक्कणिज्जं ण समायरामि ? What actions I fail to take out
of laziness ? (11) Foto À TITRE ? What faults others have perceived in me? (12) for a 37047 ? What faults have I got in me? When shall I
get rid of them? (13) किं वा ह खलिअं न विवज्जयामि ? Why am I not able to get rid
of my faults though I am keen to do it? What prevents me from doing it?
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