of 14 'Niyamas' restrictions. It also gives a table of articles to be used or given up and therefore, a householder should make use of this table) Twenty-two non-eatables, forbidden articles of food and Anantkaya should not be eaten. (see Chepter No 3, Part 1 for this.) ABANDONING 15 (FIFTEEN) KINDS OF
TRADES OR DEALINGS : A shravak is not supposed to carry on the following fifteen kinds of trades or activities (already described in brief earlier as these are considerd quite sinful activities). (1) Ingal Karma : Don't make or deal in articles like coal,
lime, bricks, tiles and articles made in furnaces. (2) Van karma : To work in a forest, to develop a garden
and to deal in fruits, flowers, vegetation, corn etc. (3) Sadi Karma : To manufacture of deal in vehicles like a
carriage, a car, a motor car, a ship, an aeroplane etc. (4) Bhadi Karma : To ply on hire vehicles like the above and
similar vehicles like motor cycles, rickshaws etc. Fodi Karma : Digging or boring of wells, tanks, lakes, dams and water works. Dant Vanijya : Dealing in musks, ivory, pearls, hides, bones, horns, manure or dealing in moving beings like birds and beasts after killing them. Lakh Vanijya : Lac Trade : Dealing in wax, gum, soaps, soda-ash, colours etc. Ras Vanijya : Dealing in honey, meat, butter, ghee, oil, milk, jaggery, dates etc. Kesh Vanijya : Dealing in fur, hair, feathers and wool of
beats and birds. (10) Vish Vanijya : Dealing in morphia, poision, gunpowder,
guns, swords, spears, arrows, cartridges, spades, shovels
etc. (11) Yantra Pillan Karma : Running of oil-mills, jins, ghani,
and flour mills. (12) Nirlonchhan Karma : Cutting tails, feathers of birds fur of
the beasts and cauterizing or castrating of animals.
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