One should beware of and avoid actions involving the following five aticharas : (i) Sahasatkar : One should not blame, slander or say harsh
words to others in haste and in a thoughtless manner. (ii) Rahasya Bhashan : One should neither reveal secrets of
others nor work as a spy. (iii) Svadara Mantra Bhed : One should not talk on private
matters about one's wife. Loose talks lead to very
unfortunate consequences. Back biting is out of question. (iv) Mrusha Updesh : One should not intervene and give
wrong advise. (v) Koot Lekh : One should not tamper with Account-books
and title-deeds. 3. STHUL ADATTADAN VIRMAN VRATA :
(Minor scale vrata of non-stealing ) One should not steal nor break into the house of other, nor should one pick up unclaimed things. If it becomes necessary to do so, do it openly in the presence of others. It should be reported properly.
Wrong actions invite public censure or punishment from Government and so there is no prudence in doing them.
One should not avoid paying taxes or octroi duty. One should not use counterfeit weithts and measures nor adulterate food articles. One should neither take bribe nor take to a profession of advocate, unless it is taken up for doing Justice. One should not act out of bad faith with one's parents, particularly in religious matters.
(1) Don't buy stolen goods (2) Don't teach the art of stealing (3) Don't adulterate (4) Don't evade taxes of Governments and public authorities (5) Don't mint counterfeit coins or keep false measures. 4. STHUL MAITHUN VIRAMAN VRATA :
(Minor Scale vrata of Continence) One should be satisfied with one's own wife and avoid co-habitation with other women.
(a) Observe Continence according to the vow taken.
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