Part (Dhal) No. I : Gnan, Darshana, Charitra, Tap and Virya from the code of Five Conducts-the Panchachars;
Repent for faults in observing these, in present or the previous births, Meritorious One ! Acquire thee the knowledge, sayeth the Lord.
Gnan, Darshana............ (1) Disobey not, but render all respect and honour thy Guru,
Study the scriptures with Sutras, know their meanings, Doing Updhan, Penance
Gnan, Darshana. By showing disrespect to various means of learning viz. Books, slate, pen, thavani-stand of gurupad and rosary, And, by violating heir sancity, we get no knowledge.
Gnan, Darshana........ Apologise for lapses that result in obstruction of knowledge in present or previous births, Praying for gaan"May my evil deeds be wiped out."
Gnan, Darshana...... Sayeth Lord Vira, "Accept thee, faith and knowledge that is pure, abiding, doudting not the words of the Jina, Nor believing in teaching of other faiths, nor speaking ill of sadhus, nor doubting the fruit of thy good deeds.
Gnan, Darshana.......
(5) Further, praise not the fool, but respect thee the virtuous strive to assist thy co-religionists, on the religious path by Rewarding thier actions of devotion.
Gnan, Darshana. To have spoken against the Sangh (congregation), idol and temple or to have harboured ill will mind, to have misused Dev Dravya,
or to have condoned such misuse being done by others, with such gross misconducts in present or previous births, ever tainted my Samkit, confess thou must, and pray- "Micchami Dukkadam".
Gnan, Darshana.........
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