was overlooked." The gentleman realised his mistake and began to do Samayik withdrawing his mind from the wordly matters.
If we do Samayik preserving purity of mind, word and body it will surely produce undreamt of fruits.
(10) Chand Kaushik Serpent And Others We must think of the excellent firmness in purpose and steadiness in mind observed by Chand Kaushik (serpent). Draddhprahari (who had killed four people), Metaraj Muni, Dhanno, Shalibhadra, Skanda Muni, Gajasukumar, Sukosal Muni, Meghkumar and other great ones and learn a lesson from their lives. We must concentrate on contemplation of self and be steady in mind to get spiritual bliss. This comes through only by constant practice.
दिने दिने यदभ्यस्तं, दानमध्ययनं तपः ।
तेन चाडभ्यासयोगेन तदेवाडभ्यस्यते पुन: ॥ Do perform charity, study and penance every day, Such constant practice will result into forming in us second nature of performing such actions effortlessly.
वीतरागं स्मरन् योगी वीतरागत्वमश्नुते ।
ईलिका भ्रभरी जाता ध्यायन्ती भ्रमरी यथा ॥ We experience a state without passions, if we do constant practice, remembering the nature of Vitrag. In the same way as papua, who by constant thinking of the bee, turns itself into a bee. We should always meditate upon Arihant while in Samayik and should try to release ourselves from the control of passions and be as equanimous as He is. There is no better way to experience this condition than-by doing a Samayik.
The bee carries the papua to its hole and goes out. Fearting for life, the papua yearns to be the bee. Meanwhile the bee comes and bites it and the papua is so absorbed in thinking of a bee that is turns into a bee itself and flies away. This fact is well expressed by Raveared Anandghanji Maharaj in the seventh verse of his stavana (song) of the 21st Tirthankar Shri Neminath Bhagwan as under : to drive home the secret of worship.
जिनस्वरुपे जे जिन आराधे, ते सही जिनवर थाय ।
भंगी ईलिकाने चटकावे, ते भंगी जग जोवे रे ॥ We shall attain the status of the Vitrag, the perfect being free from passions, by meditating upon Him, having developed in us the same equanimity of nature that He possesses.
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