(SUBSTANCES) We now look into the six Dravyas or fundamental substances, their attributes and modifications.
The Universe consists mainly of two substances--Living (Jiva) and Non-living (Ajiva). The Living alone has consciousness, power to attend and to know. The Nonliving has neither consciousness, nor Attention, nor Knowledge. This Non-living is of 5 kinds. (1) Matter (Pudgala) i.e. table, chair, brick, stone etc. Matter is of many kinds, but the most mighty kind is Karmic matter, which the mundane soul wears and which is the self-wound matter to keep the soul moving in'Samsara",(2) Principle of Motion (Dharma) which is an essential auxiliary of the motion of souls and matter, (3) Principle of Rest (Adharma), which is a similar auxiliary of the cessation of the movements of souls and matter, (4) Time (Kala), in virtue of which things become old, new, or continue in their existence, (5) Space (Akasha), which gives their place or location to all substances,
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