explicit support and concrete backing of the knowledgeable in actual reality and is not a presumptive inference tailored to suit some half-baked hypothesis.
The other point worthy of note in this regard is that one's belief, though based on the enunciates of the enlightened, could be erronious due to lack of correct interpretative capability on one's part and failure to grasp properly its implied meaning. it, therefore, becomes imperative for us to know whether our comprehension of the gist of the wisdom of the enlightened is accurate or not, however authentic and veritable the original enunciate might be. There should be no hesitation in scrutinising one's capacity to comprehend the truth enunciated by the enlightened. The question of validity of the wisdom of the enlightened does not arise here, but it becomes quite pertinent vis-a-vis its comprehensibility at our mental level. We cannot afford to lose sight of the twin facts that the enunciation of the enlightened is perfect and our understanding of the same is far from perfect and even liable to error.
There could be several factors giving rise to such a state of affairs; one of them being the fact that we do not have in our possession well-preserved, comprehensive and authentic record of the sayings of the sages of yore. It is an accepted fact among Jain religious circles that the available literature forms a very small fraction of the scriptural text originally composed by the arch-disciples of Lord Mahavir. The twelfth voluminous part consisting of fourteen subdivisions has become untraceable today. only fragmentary glimpses of it could be had in other books containing some abstracts or reference to it. Of the other eleven what is available today is, in fact, only a relic of the historic text of scriptures authored by the archdisciples originally. Same sad state of affairs prevails regarding the divine discourses of lord Buddha, Krishna, Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammaed. The preachings of many a pioneering
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