एवं द्वित्रिचतुर्योगे नानाधर्मवती शिरा ।
उपवासात् भवेत् क्षीणा नाड़ी च द्र तगामिनी ।। V. २८ ॥ (28) Thus the pulse makes different kinds of movement, if two, three or four kinds or rasa (tasteful stuff) are taken.
The pulse becomes feeble and fast-moving from fasting (upavasat).
सम्भोगाच्च भवेत् क्षीणा ज्ञेया द्र तगतिस्तथा ॥ V. २६ ।। (29) The pulse is known to become feeble (Kshina) and fast ( drutagatih ) from sexual enjoyment (sambhogat).
पूर्व पित्तगति प्रभञ्जनगति श्लेष्माणमाबिभ्रती, सन्तान भ्रमणं मुहुविदधतीं चक्राधिरूढामिव । तीव्रत्वं दधतीं कलापिगतिका सूक्ष्मत्वमातन्वती,
नोसाध्यां धमनीं वदन्ति मुनयो नाड़ीगतिज्ञानिनः ।।V. ३०।। (30) If the movement of pitta (bile) (i.e. pulse relating to bile) is felt first in the pulse, that of vayu (air) in the middle, next that of phlegm or if the pulse is found revolving like a revolving thing mounted on a wheel (Chakradhirudhamiva) or if it is too fast or sometimes it moves like a peacock (Kalapigatikam), sometimes if it gets thinner and thinner by and by, then the experts of the movement of the pulse (Nadigatijnaninah) say that the pulse indicating the disease is not curable (i.e. it indicates incurability of the disease).
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