to collect the hidden treasure of the knowledge of the science of pulse preserved in this treatise.
It is noteworthy to observe how the richness of proper vocabularies in all the three chapters of Nadiprakusam produces an equal dffect on the minds of the readers by truly expressing and explaining all aspdcts of its varidd contdnts it touchdd upon without faltering, slowness and hazziness by presenting a clear and concise conception about them.
In Nadiprakasam its author has used three styles, viz. descriptive, explanatory, and emotive in the presentiation of its varied contents of the science of pulse and explaining its subject-matters clear, conciseand explicit manner.
The litery value of Nadiprakasam liars in the fact that its pure sanskrit language expressds cleary by its proper terminology the medical thoughts and ideas of its creative genius dealing with various aspects of the science of pulsc.
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