The pulse in the colic (Pain) : वातेन शूलेन मरुत्प्लवेन सदाति वा हि शिरा वहन्ती । Faratat fafafa afogata FIEHITAT #foTET 11V.45
The pulse flows in a very crooked movement in colic with flatulence (vatasula) due to intensity of air; it is burning, i. e. too much hot in colic vitiated by derangement of bodily humour-pitta (pittasula); it is developed or expanded in colic of abdomen with flatulence and noise (sadhmanasula) i. e. amasula (pain of indigestion) or Krmisulal (colic due to the presence of worms in abdomen). (V. 45)
The pulse in the case of a disease of the bowelsiliac passion (characterized by the retention of excrements), suppression of urine and painful discharge of urine :
उदावर्ते विलुप्ता स्यान्नाड़ी कम्पते सर्वदा ।
JATË 17535a waist trocat 11 V.46.1 The pulse is missing in udavarttaroga, i. e. it is not felt by the touch of fingers. If it is felt sometimes, it becomes very trembling. The pulse becomes heavy and hard in the case of suppression of urine and painful discharge of urine (Anaha and Mutrakrochra) (V. 46)
(1). ‘Krimisul in Bengali is also correct in spelling. (2). In Bengali two vv (adare used in “Sarvada".
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