aims at enlightenment by absured stories and
situations'. S. No. 113: The example of 'Classification Helps' is based on Av.
Vrtti- Part I, p. 33 b. The commentator introduces the udăharana as follows: Dravyavarganāḥ kimartham prarūpyante iti ucyate, vineyānām avyāmohartham/ (The classification is done with a view to avoiding the mental confusion of disciples (and helping them to know the precise nature of things). And he adds at the end : Ayamarthopanayahiha gopopatikalpastirthakrt gopakalpebhyah sisyebhyo gorāpasadrśam pudgalāstikāyam varnanăvibhāgena nirūpitavān/ (Kucikarana, the master of the cows stands for the Tirthankara, the cowherd boys for disciples, the cows for the astikāya called pudgala (matter) which is classified into various categories like
paramānus, etc.). S. No. 114 : The example of 'The Guide that Misguides' is based
on Av. Vịtti, part I, p 51. b, p. 52. The commentator introduces this example with the words: "Navaram lokottrenātrādhikārah, tacca, jñānādi sramanagunamuktayogasya pratikramanam bhāvasünyatavād abhipretaphalābhāvācca, ettha
(atro) udāharanam/" S. No. 115: The example of 'Through Exceptionable Means' is
based on Av. Vrtti, Part I pp. 540 55. The commentator introduces the example with the words : Bhāvopakramo dvidhã.. noagamatastu prasastoaprašastasceti tatrāprasasto' dondini
ganikā' mâtyādinām, ettho(atro)däharanāni. S. No. 116: The example of 'Towards Exceptionable End'is based
on Av. Vrtti Part 1, p. 55.
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