need of the hour is to become sensitive and serious to assign top-priority to implement programs to arouse awareness about the disciplined handling and use of water at individual/ community level. Parameters of GREED of nations to be evolved and specified, so that they can distinguish their relative needs and take moral responsibility to remain "environment-positive”. National Governments should start acknowledging the global perspective and place economy second to environment. This will be a challenging task for the present world community. Develop environmentally sustainable life-style with optimum consumption inputs as per local area needs. It should be implemented with a spirit of continuously seeking better and efficient solutions, called “KEIZEN”. The guiding principles should be:Knowing the reality is one thing, but living the reality is every thing. This requires introspection and involvement, on the part of every citizen of a nation, to co-exist with the laws of nature. Refrain from conspicuous consumption. Use the capital resources carefully with an attitude to save it for others. Renewable resources or income-resources should be used in such a manner that does not contribute to any crisis for development of others. Parameters of human needs to be evolved with a broader global consensus, so that human race does not fall into the easy trap of Greed. Pre-requisite for this progressive outlook of equanimity & selfdiscipline entails:Creating environmental awareness, Non-violent approach to life (Ref 1) Conscious concern for all life, respect for all fellow-beings and matter. Practical and eco-friendly culture of mutual co-existence (mutualism)
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