The inner surface of nose is uneven. It has irregular contour & structure. At different locations, the shape-contour of surface is different. When the smell particles reach these locations, they get attached to a particular location of inner layer, depending on its outershape, corresponding to the shape of the layer, in a snug-fit mode (Fig. la). These smell molecules transmit their characteristic shape data through their mating partner of inner-nose layer to the brain cells. These cells produce the feeling of smell accordingly.
Contour of cell
Tynes of smell particles
Fig la Snug-fitting of smell particles with the inner cells of Nose
5) Sparsa/Physical Touch Sense - There are 8 types of touch senses. It is discussed below in detail. As per science every atom or molecule is associated with its own vibrations, electric energy and electromagnetic field, manifested in form of its temperature and electric charge. These two entities represent two types of pairs of sparsas (Touch senses). There are 4 pairs of sparsa-senses, as discussed earlier. The first two pairs are more basic, i.e. cold-hot and positive-negative charge pairs. These pairs produce another two types of pairs,, viz, density related light and heavy sparsa and hardness related soft and hard type of sparsa, as mentioned above. Physically expressed, it can be said that the atomic energy (basic two touch pairs) in form of vibrations of atom (Heat), electric energy (charge) & its em-field (life supporting energy) jointly influence the last other 2 pairs of its sparsa properties. 5.1) Touch sense of Living-Water & its scientific explanation: Water has only one sense, called “sparsa” or Touch sense. It does not have the other 4 types of sense organs viz, Taste, Smell, Vision and
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