Q. 14:- Some type of water does not permit mobile living-beings to
develop in it for prolonged periods. What is its reason? A 14:- Normal Water contains bacteria and other types of Mobile
living beings. As per science and Ågamas, water containing oxygen, supports all types of life. Creatures like fish, algae and micro-organisms infest easily all types of oxygen rich water. However, it is found that water from upper Ganges and the 'Grander'- water remain bacteria free for prolonged periods. When water absorbs oxygen from atmosphere, bacteria etc. start growing in it, as soon as the oxygen level reaches a minimum critical level. There could be two reasons for water to remain bacteria free. Either this water contains such disinfectants/minerals dissolved in it, which will not allow mobile living-beings to survive or even to take birth in it. Experiments should be conducted to analyze and test this water in laboratories. Or, the absorbed oxygen remains in a form, which does not
support mobile living beings. Q. 15:- Most Jainas believe that their practice of consuming water
after boiling is in conformity with Ågamas. A few of them have now put up a strong logic that there is no wisdom in killing the living-beings beforehand by boiling. This school of thought also claims to be in line with Ågamas and to be more rational, convenient and practical. This is gaining ground very fast. Is there any scientific basis for any of these two streams? Is it mere dogma to use non-living water? Or is it an urge and an attitude of the new class of followers, to look modern in every approach, that they
revolt? A 15:- So far Jainas have been using water after boiling it. However, it
is true that a few of them have started challenging the wisdom behind it. While discussing the same with the representatives of Virãyatan (Bihar) at Jamshedpur on 07/09/07, questions from serial no. 15 to 20 were raised.
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