normally make fresh dhovana in the evening, preferably by rubbing and washing utensils etc. There is no restriction for them to drink this water after the sun-set. The dhovana from morning, is not useable in the 2nd prahara of the night (3 hrs after sunset) for those having a vow of not drinking live-water.
Dhovana prepared with inadequate ash powder or washing and rinsing of 1-2 utensils or putting 2/4 cardamom or 2-4 crystals of sugar, might not have become 100% non-living, because its color, taste and touch sense at microscopic level might not have changed.
(It is known that increase of temperature and humidity promotes the birth of living-beings in water. The shelf-life of non-living water gets reduced by these 2 factors. Because fridge has colder and humid environment, non-livingness cannot remain for a longer period. Hence wise laity does not keep dhovana/boiled water in the fridge. Ice itself is living-water. If it is mixed with milk or juices, the liquids would become living body, at least for about 12 hour (24 minutes) after it's melting! Thereafter it may be in a state of'mixed'-being) Q5: When the wash-solution (dhovana) becomes life-less due to
operation/rubbing of foreign particles with it, the dissolved air continues to remain in it. It means, breathing action can continue. Then the assumption to have made the dhovana water
life-less seems to be a mere deception. A5:- Before any answer is given, first let us understand the science
behind it. Although the dissolved air continues to remain in dhovana, the micro structure of the Yoni is broken down due to the rubbing and mixing action of the foreign materials, employed for preparing the wash solution. This makes the live water life-less. Because there is no appreciable change in the quantity of dissolved air, the time period of dhovana to remain non-living does not change with the season. Normally Sãdhakas do not use dhovana after 9 hours for drinking. It may remain in non-living state for prolonged periods, if regular
churning is done. Q.6:- Can the boiled water be reboiled after the expiry of its time
limit to make it again non-living for drinking purpose?
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