(E-7) Discussion on the Unsuitable Materials For Making Dhovana
When one cannot get sufficient quantity of Dhovana water for ones needs, through the essential household activities, one has to resort to making extra non-living dhovana by the use of ash-powder etc. Acharyas have however, described some seemingly good materials, as unsuitable for making Dhovana. Let us examine them. Small quantity of sugar, salt, astringent matter like Trifala, lime milk etc. can change the color and taste of water, even then the sãdhakas are hesitant to permit their use for producing flawless dhovana. The saturation point of these materials in water is very high. Hence the precipitation of these materials may not take place so easily, i.e. it would require huge quantity to be dissolved for it. In absence of any indicator, like precipitate, there is always doubt as to how much quantity has been dissolved in the Dhovana. This makes them unsuitable to get perfect, doubt free & non-blemish Dhovana. Let us consider a few such items: 1.Sugar:
This is a special chemical. It sweetens the water and makes it pleasant to the taste considered to be gentle. It acts as a feeble weapon for making water dead. Due to high solubility in water, too much quantity of it is required to make the solution/ Dhovana saturated.
Although sugar would make the water non-living, but it is not simple and practical to judge and monitor, without doubt, the minimum quantity of sugar required to make non-living. It is always associated with doubt. Thick solution of it is undoubtedly non-living, but from practical view point the decision would always be associated with suspicion.
Moreover, because of its sensual pleasure effect, it can not come under the category of Dhovana. It may become a source of attachment for our taste-sense. Hence, as a prudent practitioner, a sadhak does not use it as dhovana.
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