(E-5) Independent Validation of Theory of Living-Water
Dr Vinod Shah of Mumbai has independently conducted experiments on samples of different types of water in April 2010. He shared the complete data with the author. The analysis and results of these experiments reveal that the structure and quality of Aura- Energy of these water samples, as obtained by the team comprising of Dr Vinod shah and the Senior Chemist of his Lab Ms Alka Jain are in line with the predicted trend.
That means, the experimental results obtained earlier by the author himself in Dr J M Shah's (Mumbai) and Dr.Amresh Mehta's (Ahmedabad) Laboratories, have been independently revalidated and reinforced by it. Therefore, it leaves little doubt about the correctness of the Theory of Structure of water-body and the Livingness of water, as propounded earlier (Ref. 1,2)
The proposed hypothesis states that the natural water exists as living-being. Its body at micro unit level is constituted by water-cells in physical form. The shape of its body corresponds to net-like nanotubes, consisting of penta or hexa structures formed by water molecules. Clusters of such water-cells exist as living-beings. It was proved that they satisfy the basic two criteria of living-beings (Ref. 1,2), viz, they have capability to
1) fix energy and transfer it in a directed way, and
2) remember and pass on information. (2) Operation of boiling of such water or treating it with Ash of cowdung, make the living-water as non-living. All other types of water are either purely living-water or may be mixed-water i.e. mixture of living and non-living water. This is exhibited by their Aura. (3) In the photographs sent by Dr. Vinod Shah (see attached figures), the aura of water sample is located at the foot of the container, in rectangular shape. The 'good-energy' in aura is a relative term and may correspond to some particular quality of water. We have, for comparison purpose, attributed this 'goodness' to non-livingness. The grade of good energy (Green Energy) is visible in the aura of water, in descending order, in the samples of water as given below:(A) Following Samples have 100% good energy in aura, exhibiting,
100% non-livingness of the sample.
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