tion of the both (Samyaktua & Mithyatva) is the Mishra (stateofmixed disposition). The disposition which is destroyer of Samyaktva is Sasādāna (state of downfall). Thus on pondering over the Jiva from the viewpoint of Samyaktva-Margana (soul-quest by right-belief) the six kinds of Samyaktva Margana are stated.
Here someone may say that one who has come in Mithyatva state after falling from Samyaktva should be called to be in the state of Mithyatva-Samyaktva. But this is wrong, because its existence is found in an Abhavya (incapable soul) also. Moreover, the use of the word Mithyatva Samyaktva itself is incorrect. As in Sanyama Margana (soul quest by continence) the Asamyama (state of incontinence) is also included; in Bhavya Margana (capable soul quest) the Abhavya (incapable souls) is enumerated. Similarly, in Samyaktva-Margana the Mithyatva is enumerated. But one should not understand Mithyatva to be a kind of Samyaktva. On deliberation from Samyaktva point of view, many Jivas may be found without right belief (Samyaktva), there Mithyatva is found; for explaining this state, Mithyatva is enumerated in Samyaktva Margana. Similarly, the states of Sasādāna (downfall) and Mishra (mixed) are also not the kinds of Samyaktva. It should be known that Samyaktva is only of three kinds.
Here it is stated that by subsidence, etc. of karmas the subsidential, etc. types of Samyaktva are evolved, but subsidence, etc. of the karmas are not caused by Jiva. He should make effort for ascertaining the Tattvas; owing to its instrumentality, the subsidence, etc. of karmas take place on their own; then he attains belief in Tattvas. Thus one should know the kinds and nature of Samyaktva
Eight Angas (virtues) of Right Belief Further Samyagdarshan (right belief) is described to be having the following eight Angas (virtues). 1. Nihshankitatva: (Doubtlessness in Tattvas) 2. Nihkankshitatva: (Desirelessness for worldly pleasures). 3. Nirvichikitsatva:(Non-repugnance at the afflicted ones)
4. Amudhadrishtitva: (Non-stupidity in Deva-Guru-Dharma) Jain Education International
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