the Darshan of Tirthankara-Kewali (embodied omniscients); I bow to all these ‘Jinas’ idols.
Further, the Anga-prakeernakas (the sacred scriptures containing omnicient’s commandments) created by Ganadharas according to the sermons given in Divya-dhwani (omniscient's preachings) and according to those (Anga-Prakeernakas) the Granthas (sacred books) written by other Acharyas etc., all those are Jina-vachanas (omniscient's preachings) which are worth recognising through the emblem of Syadvada (the theory of relative or conditional predication) and are non-contradictory to path of justice, therefore, are authentic and are the cause of Tattva-Jnana (true knowledge of substances) for Jivas, therefore, are benefical; I bow to them.
Further, the Chaityalaya (Jina's temple), Aaryika (Jaina-nun), Shravaka (the right-faithed house-holder) of the highest vows and rank, etc., substances (Dravyas), the Tirthankshetras i.e., sacred pilgrimatic places, etc., lands (Kshetras), the Kalyanaka-Kalas (benedictory periods) etc., periods (Kalas) and Ratnatraya(right faithknowledge and conduct), etc., pure dispositions (Bhavas) which are worth saluting, I bow to all of them. And I pay due respect to them also who deserve some respect. Thus the invocation is done by giving due respect to our benefactors.
Now we discuss as to how these Arhantas, etc., are the benefactors. The purpose (objective) is the name of that act or deed due to which happiness is obtained and misery is ended, and that by means of which the accomplishment of the purpose takes place is our benefactor. Presently, obtaining the passionless discriminativeknowledge, is the purpose, because by means of that imperturbable real happiness is attained and all sorrows and miseries, which are full of perplexities are ended. Accomplishment of Purpose from
Arhantas, etc. Further the accomplishment of this purpose takes place by the invocation, etc., of Arhantas, etc., how does it take place? This is being discussed :
The dispositions of the soul are of three types:- cruel (inauspicious), ingenuous (auspicious) and pure (passionless). The instincts
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