to the kings, etc. is done with the motive of greed, etc. where the rise of Charitra Moha (conduct-deluding karma) only is possible, but the adoration of false preceptors in place of true preceptors is a contrary practice, because the instrumental cause of right belief in Tattvas is the true preceptor. Therefore, due to shyness if someone adopts perverse instrumental cause then how could he attain staunch belief in Tattvas which is the desired result? Hence, the rise of Darshan Moha (faith-deluding karma) is possible there.
Thus ends the discussion of the characteristics of a false preceptor. Exposition of False Religion and Denial of Faith
in it Now the false religion is being discussed:
Believing such acts and dispositions to be religion which involve injury, etc. sins and which cause increase in carnal desires, etc. is to be known as false religion. Indulging in the activities of oblation wherein great injury is involved, killing of big animals is caused, sensual pleasures are fostered, cruel concentration is developed due to injurious attitude towards Jivas, desire of fulfillment of selfish ends arises by harming others due to intense greed, believing all, such acts to be religious acts is false religion.
Further, people take bath, etc. in (so-called) holy places which causes injury to innumerous big and small living beings; it provides relaxation to the body, therefore, it fosters sensual pleasures and increases carnal desires. Thus, one increases his passions out of sport and wrongly believes all such activities to be religion. But all this is the false religion.
Further, he gives donation during the period of transition (Samkranti), eclipse and great calamity, etc. and gives donation for the purpose of (neutralizing the effect of) the planets of bad omen, gives donation to the greedy persons by knowing them worthy recipients. In donation he gives gold, elephant, house, sesame, etc. articles. But Samkranti, etc. are not the religious festivals. By movement of the planets, etc. stellars, the Samkranti (transition), etc. are caused. And donation given for the mitigation of the effect of
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