In the normal course charity lies in giving away one's wealth etc., with the idea of co-operating with and consenting to any noble activity. In this activity, the giving up of one's ownership together with the absence of desire of reward when joins hands, the state and greatness of charity scales higher heights. The liberal donor then really attains the status of a supreme donor.
There are several types of charity, but here we will consider just four of these which are useful in the spiritual sadhana. They are:
(i) Charity accompanied by utter devotion and humbleness, (ii) Compassionate charity, (iii) Charity of fearlessness, and (iv) Charity of knowledge.
Now let us precisely understand these four types. (i) Charity accompanied by Utter Devotion and Humbleness
In this charity, one who accepts donation is far more virtuous than the donor. Only persons endowed with understanding and discrimination can possibly undertake this. The donor who resorts to this charity intends to reduce the greed in his life, and thereby become a better Sadhaka, so that slowly and steadily the unique virtues of the person accepting charity, dawn in his own life. Again, in this case, the person who accepts charity is a person endowed with selfknowledge or is a high-grade Sadhaka and the concerned activity is so auspicious that it will nourish for long periods, the sublime traditions of right knowledge and self-control. When this happens, naturally the traits of purity are nurtured at the individual level, development of good virtues and higher cultural values get popularised and propagated at the community level. Acceptors of such charity are selfless and benevolent individuals. It is logical, therefore, that donations to such virtuous individuals be accompanied by pr respect and due honour. It is easily understandable, that, no matter what the form of this chariiy may be, whether giving of food, clothes,
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