30 : PART IV
spirit and sense. When anger overpowers man, he forgets the discrimination between good and bad and behaves indiscriminately in any improper way as if he were blind. With the upsurge of anger, several, reactions develop in the body. Heart throbs at a higher rate, eyebrows become stiff, face becomes flushed and perspiration starts. Many different types of abusive words come out of mouth; hands and feet tremble and the angry person attacks the object of his anger with slaps, fists, kicks, etc., or starts to hit him with weapons like a stick, dagger, sword or gun. One who is not inclined to obey such a terrific dance of destruction ( Tandava-nritya ), should recognise anger in its very initial stage and try not to be dominated by it. Ways to conquer Anger :
One has to pass through two stages of training to conquer anger :
(1) Knowledge of the subtle nature of anger.
(2) Experimenting with forgiveness in daily life. (1) Knowledge of the Subtle Nature of Anger :
The pathway to get rid of anger cannot be traced till we know rightly, what anger is. Anger is a perverse state of the soul. There are three causes for the rise of this perversity :
(a) The external object or person that has done some wrong to
us, abused us or obstructed what we desired to achieve. (b) Rise of internal illusory Karma. Actually the soul is pure
by nature having the characteristic of forgiveness. But it gets turbid when it subjects itself to the rise of Karma
resulting in anger, a perversity of forgiveness. (c) The main reason of the rise of anger is the forgetfulness
of one's own nature i.e. forgiveness. This means loss of the feeling of faith and one's remembrance, “I am of the nature of forgiveness." The result is an outburst of anger on part of the soul. Thus, lack of alertness about the basic nature of our true self is the main reason for the rise of anger.
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