The Saga of An Inspiring Personality
To remember is life and to forget is death. On the wings of memory, men taste and rejoice the sweet moment of the past. The journey into the memory of a great man, who lived an inspiring life and left a brilliant legacy, might be a long one but it paves the path for the next generation. It could even change the shape and outline of someone's life, giving it a positive turn.
Today we shall resort to the excavation of the caves of time and get one such glimpse of an inspiring personality. His hallowed name was Virchand Gandhi. He represented the Jain Darshan at the famous Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in the year 1893. His fellow speakers representing various Indian Darshans were Prof. Gyanendranath Chakravarty of Allahabad, Miss Sorabji of Pune, Shri Nagarkar of the Brahma Samaj, Shri C. Dharampal from Ceylon, representing Buddhism and the stalwart of Hindu philosophy, Swami Vivekananda.
The revolution of 1857 left a trail of awakening in the whole country. The time was approaching when society would begin to realize the possibility of steady progress in discarding its age-old narrowness and out-dated customs. The great reformers who were to guide the society in its transformation were still in their cradles may be, some were yet to be born. The changes in the political field were the precursors of social, ethical, legal, religious and economic changes. People began to unite for the upliftment of the country, society and religion. Swami Dayananda Saraswati of Arya Samaj in Kathiawar(today's Saurashtra) and Shri
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