of the people and of the nation. There cannot be any true greatness of a nation while the woman are in ignorance. It is the mother who moulds the character. Is it not true that when India was a happy and a prosperous nation, the wife was the valued companion of the husband and intelligent mother of his children? Surely, the educated gentleman of India are not ashamed of the names of Gargi, Maitreyi, Damyanti, Lilavati and others, whose names and greatness have reached even to the Western world. I would not advise Western education for the women of India, but a true education which elevates the heart and the soul, and which will fit them to perform the duties of wife and mother intelligently. Surely, this is the right beginning, the right way to bring round the right understanding of your beautiful philosophies. Education is the only thing that will bring out India's spiritual treasures then, indeed, would India again blossom as of old and bear fruit, for which all nations are unconsciously yearning. Your beautiful and sublime philosophy must give light to the world afresh.
The whole world seems to be groping in darkness. The worship of the Golden Calf has blinded all men, none can see clearly, and the beautiful gems of your sscriptures have been lost and forgotten and frequently replaced with common stone. O my soul cries out to the men of India, they who are the descendants of the once most noble enlightened people arise look about with your soul's eyes open, work for humanity and for the education non sectarian education
of the masses.
You may tell me that India is poor. But how is it, foreigners go to India and become immensely rich in a Even missionaries, who are not business-men, have often returned with a fortune. If you are so poor, is it not caused by lack of
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