the holy Trinity of Right Belief, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct merges into the Eternal Unity of self-Absorption, by Right Belief ripening into Right Knowledge and conduct, by Right Knowledge becoming the basis of Right Belief and conduct, and by Right conduct becomming the bright gold guarantee of the genuineness and prefection of Right Belief and Right Knowledge.
There is nothing peculiar in the above Jaina doctrine. My Mahomadan brethren insist upon Josy pols i. e., knowledge and conduct, as the signs of (wol) true Faith or Belief. My Christain friends are famous for their emphasising Faith in Christ as the visible revelation of the Trinity, to which all Hope, Love and Charity lead. Religions and schools of Philosophy are the many maps and charts of the land of Love, Right, Beauty, Joy, and Truth The path is the same. Maps are guides only. To reach the end of the journey the soul alone has to gird up its loins and march patiently along, with the trident of Right-Belief-Knowledge-Conduct in hand. When it reaches the goal, it finds itself. The king returns to his Kingdom and achieves the Infinite Quaternary of Infinite Conation, Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Power, and Infinite Bliss. This is Self-realisation.
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