Gandhi's Teachers : Rajchandra Ravjibhai Mehta
The conceptual and practical paths to soul-liberation are not shown as inherently one in this work, but are to be combined according to the circumstances. Without giving up distinctions about creeds, etc., there is no possibility of right conduct, just as without self-realization there is no right belief. Past and present liberated personages have indicated that the path to liberation is the same. All jivas (living beings) are inherently liberated. One who knows this, also becomes liberated. Following the precepts of true teacher is an auxiliary but important cause for liberation. One who deceitfully gives up this cause does not find liberation and remains fixed in fallacy forever.
The low in knowledge preach knowledge verbally, but are covered with delusion inside. These people show hostility toward those with knowledge. Compassion, peace, forgiveness, equanimity, renunciation, non-attachment, and truth, these qualities are always visibly present in a soulseeker. Where delusion has been destroyed or subsided, that is the condition of one with knowledge (or seeker of knowledge). The one with knowledge takes the world as undesirable food or dream. One who after analytical study of the six Padas (spiritual steps) follows the sixth one (way to liberation), attains the fifth one (liberation). There is no doubt about this.
Final Salutation
(Verse 142) In this verse the disciple pays his final salutation to the true teacher as follows: "One who truly is beyond body while living in the body, I offer my innumerable, three-fold (with speech, body, and mind) salutations to him."
Notes and References
1. Jaini, J. L., Atma-Siddhi of Shrimad Rajchandra.
Ahmedabad: Shrimad Rajchandra Gyan Pracharak Trust,
1923. 2. The English translation attempts to achieve exact
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