Corpus of Koppaļa Inscriptions /33
is lost, disciples of Nemicandra bhatāra of Balātkāragana, attained sanyasana marana. Revabbe, respected by the three world, erected a niśidhi stone. Ranna (C.E. 993), a lay votary of Balātkāragana and a poet-laureate in the court of king Tailapa (973-97), and his son Satyāśraya lțivabedanga (997-1007) has mentioned the name of Nemicandra muni (Ajitapurāņam: canto-12, verse-21).
Ganda Vimukta ācārya of Balagāra olim Balatkāragana, a profound scholar gained the abode of mokşalakṣmi, emancipation from the cycle of birth and death, in the year saka 899, equivalent to either 12-7-977 Thursday or to 8-11-977 Kārtika bahula. His lotus feet had the dust of the crown of the māndalikas. His transparent character had earned the respect of his followers.
This is one of the early inscriptions in the hoard of newly discovered epigraphs at Koppala. Ganda Vimukta is identical with the pontiff of the same name mentioned in the records of Gāvarwad [E1. XV. 23. 1071-72], Mugud (SII XI-i, 78.1045] and of Bodan (ARIE 1961-62, B-113, 1041 etc)
Devanandi-Bhatāra, a disciple of Vimalacandra-Bhatāra of Krānūrgana, attained the world of gods in the vear saka 939, equivalent to C.E. 14-4-1004 adhika vaišākha Friday (aştami). Deyakabbe-kanti, a nun in obeisance to her teacher, erected this post mortem memorial column.
Krānūr-gana is a prominent cohort (gaña) of friars and nuns of Yāpaniya sangha; Kānūr-Kandūr, Kādūr are the other variants [Nagarajaiah, Hampa: 1997 -B: 234-48),
This epitaph records the death of three persons on three different dates:
In the year saka 946 (1024 C.E.), Revasetty of Kellengere achieved (ratnatrayas), his holy death, the day synchronising with the auspicious day of parinirvāņa-Mahākalyāna,
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