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obliged to the author.) S.I-II
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6, 1980, pp. 209-244. Schmithau sen : Lambert Schmithausen:
1. "The Problem of Sentience of Plants in Earliest
Buddhism" Studia Phiologica Buddhica, Monograph Ser. 6. Tokyo 1991. (I am thankful to him
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Studia Philo. Buddhica, Paper Ser. 7. Tokyo 1991. Schreiner Paul Schreiner : "Gewaltlosigkeit und
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1979, pp. 287-308. Schubring : Welther Schubring: Kl. Sch. 1977. SII
Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, Reinbek. Silanka
Silanka's comm. on Ayara (and Sayagada). MB
1978. Skh.B :: Sankhayana Brahmana, And. Skt. Ser. 65.Poona
1911. Skh.GS ::: Sankha yana-Gșhya-Satra, Critical ed.: S.R. Sehgal.
Delhi 1960., Skh.ss
Sankha yana-Srauta-Satra, vols. 1-4. ed.: Alfred
Hillebrandt. 1885-1899. Reprint: Delhi 1981. Skurzak : Ludwik Skurzak:
1. "Etudes sur l'origine de l'ascetisme indie" Travaux Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org