मनोवचोविग्रहवृत्तयोऽशुभा नानाविकाराः पुनरैन्द्रियाः सदा । निहन्ति धर्माभिमुखं बलं ततो निरुध्य तांस्त्वं शुभधर्ममाचर ॥६५॥
Meaning :- It is called the inauspicious mental activity in which one thinks mentally bad of another, one maintains bad desires, one is jealous of another, and one entertains feelings of enmity against another. It is called inauspicious verbal activity in which one verbally censures another, one uses bad, abusive language, one accuses verbally another, and one uses false speech. That is called inauspicious physical activity in which one gives pain to another, and robs another of his rights, one steals, and one enters into illicit connection. They are called sensual modificatory changes when one uses his senses in getting or trying after sensuous pleasures. All these wicked activities destroy religious fervour and spiritual strength. Therefore, Oh ! people ! stop wicked activities, bring into full play the strength of Soul and resort to an ideal, and bonafide religion. This will result into Samvara and will procure for the man who does it the right to enter into the Svayamvara of the lady in the form of emancipation. (65)
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