एतच्च पुद्गलमयं क्षणिकं शरीरमात्मा च शारदशशाङ्कसदृक्षरूपः । बन्धस्तयोर्भवति कर्मविपाकजन्यो देहात्मधीडधियामविवेकजन्या ॥३६॥
Meaning :- This body which is visible to us is not the Soul but is constituted of matter, technically called the Pudgalas which are inanimate. Its nature is perishable and it perishes in a moment. While the Soul is not the matter and it is animate. As the autumnal moon, it is luminous and it is eternal, devoid of segments or pieces and indestructible. The union of the body and the Soul is brought about by the conglomeration of the varieties of the Karmic particles. But this union is not real. It is therefore a sheer delusoin to take the body as Soul because they are, really speaking, two separate entities. This delusion is created in the minds of the materialists due simply to the want of discrimination power in them. (36)
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