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दुर्गेऽरण्ये हरिणशिशुषु क्रीडया बंभ्रणत्सु, तत्रैकस्मिन् मृगपतिमुखातिथ्यमाप्ते प्रकामम् । धावन्त्यन्ये दिशि दिशि यथा स्वस्वरक्षाधुरोणाः , कालेनैवं नरि कलिते कोऽप्यलं रक्षितु नो ॥१२॥
Meaning :- Suppose that we are in a forest abounding in a variety of herbs and grass verdure. There is a pienry of grass as there come no beasts or animals. Suppose that there is found in a forest of this type a herd of deer, consisting of many deer, big and small. Some of them graze, some stand simply staring, and some frolic fearlessly and merrily. Just at this moment, G terrific lion abiding in the forest comes over there. He jumped over the herd of deer and cought hold of an innocent and amusing deerling. In an instant it became a prey of that lion. Other friends, helpmates, and associates which were there in the herd could do nothing for it. None of them ever tried to save it but on the contrary every one took to its heels and fled as it liked. Just so the parents, the brothers or the sisters, the sons or the daughters, the wife or the kinsmen -- none of these - shall ever be able to prevent one falling in firm grip of death in the form of lion. (12)
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