and practices of which yeild a splendid result which nothing else can produce.
The brief dt'scription given above of the twelve Bhavanas will at once and abundantly make it clear that they are designed to tone up and ultimately to sublimate the Soul so as to be transformed into a Super-Soul (Paramatma). Brooding over these Bhavanas and moulding our actions and activities accordingly will help, no doubt, the aspirant in his supreme affort to achieve the highest goal, the summum bonum of his life.
There is another set of four Bhavanas, forming an Appendix to the book, which shape our attitude and ou:look towards the world and which constitutes in brief the code of conduci. They are Friendship to all beings, santient or non-sentient, Appreciative Joy for and about the good points in others, Compassion, and Neutrality.
This set of four Bhavanas is primarily aimed at improving our conduct towards the external world which again secondarily serves as a basis on which the edifice of spirituali mi should be erected. The former set of twelve Bhavanas is conceived exclusively with a view to fostering spiritualism to its maximum. It has nothing to do with the world in front of
. The author has assigned eight S’lokas to each one of the twelve Bhavanas for formulating its character and application He himself has written something of a commantary on each of the S’lokas giving illustrative tales and examples to prove the
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