to be a Jain despite his altogether ignorance about the Jain discipline. The mockery of the fact is that though they have Jain as a sect, they are proudly calling it a religion. They are stating that'Jain' is not a sect, but religion. And they are themselves Jains despite the fact they do not have any concern for observing its disciplines. This is like a selfcontradictory statement that a woman is called barren who has no issues like 'my mother'. Well, if she is barren, how could she be a mother and how could you be her son ? Similarly, if one is sectarian, how could he be a Jain?
In summary, it could be stated that if one wishes to be a true Jain, he should first restrict and limit his psychical and physical possessions. When they are restrained, there will automatically be the awakening of vows of non-violence etc., because possession is the origin of all sins and the basis of Jain culture is non-attachment and non-possession.
REFERENCES 1. यत्खलु कषाययोगात् प्राणानां द्रव्यभावरूपाणाम्।
व्यपरोपणस्य करणं सुनिश्चिता भवति सा हिंसा।। 43।। युक्ताचरणस्य सतो रागाद्यावेशमन्तरेणपि। न हि भवति जातु हिंसा प्राणव्यपरोपणादेव।। 45।। व्युत्थानावस्थायां रागादीनां वशप्रवृत्तायाम्। म्रियतां जीवो मा वा धावत्यग्रे ध्रुवं हिंसा।। 46।। तस्मात् प्रमत्तयोगे प्राणव्यपरोपणं नित्यम्।। 47।।
यस्मात् सकषायः सन् हन्त्यात्माप्रथममात्मानम्।। 48।। पुरु. 43-48 2. 'क्रोधादिकषायाणा-मातरौद्रयोर्हिसादिपंचपापानां भयस्य च जन्मभूमिः परिग्रहः।'
-चा. सा. पृ. 19 3. 'मिथ्याज्ञानान्वितान्मोहान्ममाहंकारसंभवः।
इमकाभ्यां तु जीवस्थ रागो द्वेषस्तु जायते।। ताभ्यां पुनः कषायाः स्यु।कषायाश्च तन्मयाः। तेभ्यो योगः प्रवर्तन्ते ततः पाणिबधादयः।।'
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