( xxxiv) used separately, e.g. FEAT (Fagu ACQ) death by taking poison', arataca (arang atú) crossing by a boat', EEEFA (EUTS TTÀ)' virtuous actions for happiness', attai (attrit *) "fear from a thief', पुराणफलं (पुस्एस्स फलं) 'result of good deeds', गिहवासे (गिहंसि वासे) ' residence at home.''
(c) By putting together an adjective and a noun,
the latter being qualified by the former e.g. aloqa (alla stami) blue lotus ', THEPHATE (E
ATE FATE ) 'good deeds."2 An adjective compound may be formed :(a) By putting together two adjectives, eg.
(eg white and red.'3 (6) By putting together a noun which would have
taken an oblique case if used separately, and an adjective, e.g. FTET ( for TCS) gone home 'FFRETE (FRÀT EIZO) possessed of restraint', spegleg (afy) fallen from a tree ', TruFT (tipfe paw) skilled in music.4
(c) By putting together two nouns, or an adjective
and a noun, the relation between which would have been expressed by an oblique case of the relative pronoun (5) if used separately, e-1). ETTE (fig. Foi that has overcome
1. . The Sanskrit name for these compounds is argra. 2, 3. Sanskrit Bunta. 4. Sanskrit anys.
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