( xxxi )
(i) लभइ ( Skt. लभ्यते ) ' he is found ; मुबाई ( Skt. मुच्यते ) ' he is released '; भिज्जा ( Skt. भिद्यते ) he is broken '; 'भुजद्द ( Skt. भुज्यते ) ' it is eaten '; नजद्द (Skt. ज्ञायते ) ' it is know ', दिजर (Skt. दीयते) ' it is given ', बुश्वर ( Skt. उच्यते ) ' it is spoken . '
(ii) कीर is sometimes used instead of करिज, ९.g. कीरह ' it is done. '
(i) Imperfect Active Participle is formed by adding अंत or माग to the root eag. पासंत, पासमाण seeing ; चित, चिटुमाण ' staying '; चरंत, चरमाण ' moving.'
(ii) Imperfect Passive Participle is formed by inserting between the root and -sia or - eg. aftesia, aftwrary being done', facia, fewery C being given '.
(iii) Perfect Active Participle is formed by adding-da to the Perfect Passive Participle cg. रक्खियवंत '(he) protected', zfaucia' (he) laughed.' But its use is extremely rare in Ardha-Mágadhí.
(iv) Perfect Passive Participle is generally formed by adding to the root eg. f'protected ' ( from रक्ख); हसिय ' laughed ' ( from इस ) ; पुच्छिय asked' (from go.
Irregular. forms are the direct descendents of the Sanskrit equivalents e.g. (Skt. a) 'gone', कड ( Skt कृत ) ' done ; मुय, मड (Skt. मृत) ' dead.'
(v) Prospective Active Participle does not exist in
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