Dvyāśrayakāvya has given some astronomical observations and their results. Sometimes, the Sun is very hot in the winter. Abhayatilakagani explains that when the Sun is in conjunction with Svātīnaksatra, it becomes very hot (III. 28). Moreover, he has referred to the conjunction of the moon with the names of months (XVI. 54). On the full-moon day, the water of the ocean rises (XIX. 111). Conjunct Sidhya and Pausa Nakșatras fulfil desires (IV. 90). When the Moon associated with Revati apperas in the Mīna Rāśi, it causes the death of a person. Rāhu is named as Tamastah and is described as headless (I. 137; V. 64). Apart from these, Planets (I. 66), Comets (I. 86), Stars (V. 16) and Ursa Major (Saptarși I. 10) are mentioned.
Hemacandra has referred to six systems of Indian Philosophy (I. 39. 63), while explaining this verse, Abhayatitakagani has excluded the Vedānta and the Yoga and has added Jain and Buddhist systems of Philosophy. Hemacandra has not gone into details of these systems.
Hemacandra has alluded to the main concept of the Cārvāka system of philosophy i. e. One should grow fat by drinking ghee (IV. 31)1. He has referred to the Mimāṁsā (V.135) Syādvāda (I. 2; VIII. 37), Nyāya (II. 37) and Buddhism also (VII.64).
SĀNKHYA : According to Hemacandra, the Sārkhya system of philosophy consists of twenty five elements (I. 196). The commentator explains them as such : 1. Praksti 2. Mahat 3, Ahankāra 4. Sparśana. 5. Rasana. 6. Prāņa 7. Cakşu
1. Cf. Saryadarśanasanagraha of Sāyaṇa Madhava. Ed. V.S. Abhyankara, Poona, 1951, p.14, Cārvākadrśapa.
यावज्जीवेत् सुखं जीवेदृणं कृत्वा घृतं पिबेत् । भस्मीभूतस्य देहस्य पुनरागमनं कुतः ॥
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